Take The Leap To Become A Big Leap Coach
Lead others in their growth while expanding your own capacity for love, connection and contribution.
Have you felt called to leadership? Listen to that whisper from your soul. It’s telling you that you’re ready to guide others on their path — even as you continue to walk your own.
Our powerful Quantum Coaching System — created from 40+ years of experience developing transformation tools — will give you the essential body-centered skills you need to lead.
Of course, the best teachers are students themselves. As a coach, you will discover the greatest depths of your creativity, expression, and collaboration.
You will learn how to support people in:
Exploring new possibilities to play, connect, and thrive vibrantly
You will learn how to support people in:
Embodying the five essentials skills of conscious relationship — commitment, authenticity, healthy response-ability, appreciation, and creativity
You will learn how to support people in:
Listening to their body’s wisdom for more clarity and vitality
You will learn how to support people in:
Moving from feeling stuck to feeling in flow
How To Become a Big Leap Coach
Complete these five courses to become a certified coach.
Complete one of these:
Through a 60-page workbook and 23 short videos, dive into the foundational content that will prepare you for the following three programs. (Essentials Online is included with Evolutionary Playground)
Explore the possibility of living primarily in an evolutionary cycle of presencing, connecting, and playing through collaboration and harmony.
Through this highly experiential and life-changing course, you will learn to teach the essential tenets of conscious relationships.
Discover reliable and accessible ways to help others connect to their bodies, awaken their intuition, and empower themselves.
You can begin with either Advanced Training after Evolutionary Playground.
Learn to facilitate our six-module Restoring Resourcefulness Program, which supports individuals, communities, and organizations to transmute stress and respond from choice.