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Conscious Loving Advanced Training, Fall 2024

Oct. 03, 2024 - Nov. 21, 2024 | Online | $1695


Want to join a course, but can’t commit to the live class times? Sign up for Hendricks Replay!  These classes are offered on Wednesdays at 8:30am Pacific.  Please click for details. 

This is an online course meeting from 4 – 7pm Pacific on eight consecutive Thursdays: October 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31, and Nov 7, 14, and 21, 2024.

  • What if love and connection could be easy?
  • What if creativity and co-creativity could replace control and adrenaline dramas?
  • What if your body wisdom, the way you breathe, move and notice, was the quickest path to relationship fulfillment?

If these questions perk up your curiosity, you might be ready to dive into this somatic approach to relating. In the thirty years since Conscious Loving became a bestseller, we have continued to evolve the only body-centered approach to relationships in the field. We have worked with thousands of partners and professionals around the world to continue developing a new paradigm of relating that is based in uncovering, sharing and celebrating our essential selves.

Most people long for the experience of being themselves in the full presence of another loving person. They imagine being deeply seen and appreciated while co-creating a life of fulfillment together. And many people don’t realize that popping out of old relationship myths and getting real can be as easy as breathing and moving in new ways.

This training is designed to equip you with the essential relationship-building skills we’ve developed during the past forty years. Whether you use these skills personally or professionally, you’ll find that you get stuck less often, shift more quickly, and spend more of your time living the relationship life you design by choice.

The Conscious Loving Advanced Training is highly experiential and life-changing for the participants. It was created for those individuals, couples and professionals dedicated to inspiring conscious relationships at home and in the workplace. Some of the concepts and techniques covered:

  • How to facilitate the five essential skills of conscious relationship: Commitment, authenticity, healthy response-ability, appreciation and creativity
  • How to let relating and transformation be easy
  • How to shift from working on to shifting and discovering
  • How to use a reliable road map to relationship fulfillment
  • How to recognize and expand the steps in the Relationship Dance of unity and individual creative fulfillment
  • How to facilitate breakthroughs in long-standing impasses
  • How to use breath, movement and body-centered techniques to speed up problem-resolution
  • How to resolve sex and money issues in close relationships.

Participants will be given a comprehensive manual during the course and a set of videos and workbook to facilitate Conscious Loving workshops with singles, partners and groups.


Completion of Evolutionary Playground: New Paths to Change for Uncertain Times or our previously taught Conscious Loving and Living Essentials: The 3-Day Seminar is a prerequisite for our advanced training events.

Becoming a certified Big Leap Coach:

Graduates of both the Conscious Loving and Body Intelligence Advanced trainings and the Restoring Resourcefulness Coaches Training are eligible to become certified Big Leap Coaches. For each of the 8 week courses, you must attend 6 of the 8 weeks of class LIVE in order to qualify for your coaching certification. The required Restoring Resourcefulness Coaches Training is an online three session training, with no additional cost for current participants.

Certified coaches are eligible for exclusive listing in our referral directory. Coaches may remain on the directory site for three years, and after that will be welcomed to renew their listing by registering for one of our current trainings. The directory list is viewed by thousands of visitors each week who are looking for practitioners in their geographical area. This directory has several different listing options, from a simple telephone number to a complete website. We encourage all our graduates to join our online referral base (www.BigLeapCoaches.com).

Click here to learn more:

Download our Coaching Program Overview Here


How The Hendricks’ Work Is Different From Other Approaches to Coaching and Transformation

1) We emphasize personal integrity in all of the techniques that we teach. Whether at home or in business, we help partners learn to tell the truth to each other. When a person is hiding some truth, he or she will tend to complain about a relationship issue. Misunderstandings of responsibility fuel much relationship conflict. We help each partner in a relationship take full responsibility for any issue, especially if the issue looks like it belongs only to one person.

2) We believe that the central issue people face is expanding their capacity to give and receive love and to handle greater levels of unity and intimacy in their relationships and lives.

3) We balance cognitive techniques with powerful body-centered techniques that draw on the organic wisdom of the body. For example, in a couple’s coaching session or a corporate consultation, we make use of movement, conscious breathing and other tools that focus people on the natural healing capacity of their body processes. We have developed a transformational model that provides a flexible, yet comprehensive structure based in whole-body learning and collaboration.

4) We are very interested in concepts and techniques that emphasize unity instead of difference. Many currently popular approaches focus on the differences between people. While this may be useful at a certain point in evolution, we are very interested in laying the groundwork for the next stage of evolution, which we believe involves the fundamental unity at the base of all creation, people included. To this end, our techniques are focused on helping people reveal their own essence–who they really are at the spiritual depths of themselves–and to perceive the essences of other people.

5) We focus on specific actions over which you have control. Examples: You can’t control whether someone likes you, but you can control whether you pick up the phone and call them to talk to them about your feelings. You can’t control when you’re going to feel scared or anxious, but you can control whether you take a slow, deep breath or use Fear Melters®.

6) We are interested in ongoing innovation. We encourage our students and coaches to incorporate our materials freely and to continue to create dynamic applications that contribute to their own growth and professional development.

7) We don’t belong to traditional coaching organizations, primarily because their mind-centric approaches are too intellectual to reach the deeper level we’re interested in exploring through our body-mind work. In addition, we’ve had experience with numerous bureaucracies and have found them all too limiting.

Conscious Loving Advanced Training

Dates: Thursdays, October 3 through November 21, 2024


Time: 4:00-7:00 pm Pacific Time

Co-Facilitators: Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D., BC-DMT and Gay Hendricks, Ph.D.

Format: Live facilitated session via Zoom with private Mighty Networks group page for registered participants

Though all classes are recorded, live attendance of our courses is highly recommended. Our courses are experiential and include breakout sessions in small groups. If you do not attend class, you will be missing a large portion of the discovery process as well as affecting the experience of participants in the course.  

TUITION (per person):

$1,495 with coupon code CLEarlyBird on or before September 5, 2024
$1,695 Full tuition in effect starting September 6, 2024
$700 For Big Leap Coaches and Leadership and Transformation Graduates
$900 For Big Leap Certified Coaches, Leadership & Transformation Graduates, Repeat Attendees (of this specific course), Military (Active Duty or Veterans), Active/Enrolled Students, First Responders (Firefighters, EMTs/Paramedics, Police Officers). To receive this rate you must meet the designation and communicate directly with Enrollment Consultant, Michele Yasuda.

Cancellation Policy – 90% refund (10% withheld as a cancellation fee) of the training tuition paid up until September 5, 2024 (Pacific Time Zone). No refunds will be given after midnight on September 5, 2024 Pacific time.

Click here to register
Click here for logistics.

Are you in a time zone that makes attending this course difficult for you?  Or does your schedule preclude attending live sessions? We are also offering this course in a different format and at a different time that may be more workable for you. It will be a Facilitated Group Viewing of the Pre-Recorded Class where you will:

  • View recordings of class with a facilitation team and other participants
  • Participate in breakout room practice sessions
  • Be included in a private online discussion circle
  • Participate in one live group Q&A session with Katie Hendricks

Completing this alternate course will meet the Body Intelligence live attendance requirement towards completion of the Big Leap Coach Certification. 

Interested? Click here for more information. The Early Bird discount applies to this format of the course as well.
Click here to register for the Facilitated Group Viewing of the Pre-Recorded Class.

What People are Saying about Our Coaching Program

I have always known that the downloads that I received from you were very valuable. And the more I move around in the world, the more grateful I am to have been able to learn directly from you. Based on my experience now, I believe that I attended the finest coaching program this country has to offer. I am sure you are aware of the high quality of what you are offering and I want to remind you of what a treasure it is.”

– Diana Chapman
Advisor to Exceptional Leaders

“These trainings with Katie and Gay have simplified my life-long interest and journey to discover my own source of wisdom. This integrative body/mind approach allows me to use all that I have learned and continue to learn that much more effectively and effortlessly. Breathing-moving-wondering- and loving is the simplest, most effective way to be present, empowered and empowering.”

– Soorya Ray Resels

“I found the Conscious Loving workshop fun, profound & empowering. Gay & Katie created such a safe, enlivening & loving atmosphere that it was really easy to participate & play full out. I feel that I’ve got some real tools to develop skills in feeling & enjoying all of my feelings & in making love easy. This is a must workshop for anyone who wants to consciously experience more love in their life, regardless of their life circumstances.”

– Jack Resels

“I heard about Gay 3 years back through his book FIVE WISHES, I travelled from India to attend this workshop, as a personal coach I left the workshop, empowered, inspired and Happy Gay and Kathyln guide from their heart and the personal dynamics they share is joyous.”

– Sunita Singad

“Participating in the Essentials and the Conscious Loving Program was a deep, invigorating and fun process of discovery. Throughout the program I was challenged to discover in myself what was real and what was not and learn fundamental skills of shifting from my story to my essence.”

– Harry Poliak

“Gay and Katie are the real deal. They walk the talk and are fascinating to see in action. I love the experiential learning opportunities. It is so rewarding and refreshing to be in a space of authenticity and transparency.”

– Shanti Butcher

“A colleague and I were recently at a conference for leadership coaches on the East coast and were seen amongst our peers as having a lot of understanding and tools that they were unaware of. Everyone kept asking where we had studied and your names were circulating around the room. They were so impressed with our awareness of how to support transformation that the whole group asked us to come back and teach them an advanced course.

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