Creating Bliss Bodies
Nov. 01, 2019 - Nov. 13, 2019 | Online | $695
Unwinding Your Sex-Fear-Joy Tangles To Enjoy Full-Contact Living
Freud was right, in a way. It IS all about sex. Most humans want deep contact that transcends everyday consciousness and enhances the celebration of our sensual-sexual natures. And most people are scared of sex, scared of really opening and letting life in, and scared of lots of other things that block the full currents of life. Sexual-creative-manifesting energies all move through the same pipes, and most people’s pipes are kinked, especially by fear, confusing sexual feelings with sexual expression and accumulated cultural gunk in the system. When you presence yourself in your real experience and learn to shift from fear to here, you are available to en-joy, to experience your body, daily life and interactions with others as a source of ongoing bliss. Consciousness is sexy, creativity is sexy, and above all, integrity is sexy. And a person fully enjoying their authentic aliveness and expressing that fully in the world becomes an evolutionary, revolutionary presence.
In this seminar we’ll be creating experiments and processes to befriend fear, especially about sexuality, and to open to enjoying sexual feelings. We’ll be weaning our nervous systems from the adrenaline addiction of drama and stepping into full-contact presence and the radical play that results. We’ll be untangling sexual feelings from anger and from under the pile of societal rubbish heaped on our bodies and sexuality for centuries. We’ll be honoring sexual feelings from a place of impeccable response-ability that fuels creativity and new kinds of collaboration. When you know in your cells that you are totally lovable, you start seeing others as unique and lovable and place your attention on creating rather than further entangling yourself in the hero, villain and victim roles of the drama triangle.
We’ll build together an evolving dance form through the weekend that allows safe and playful experimentation with real feelings and that makes space for energetic contact to evolve and nurture your being and your relationships. Through Fear Melters® and other activities, you’ll journey through your fear cave out into the light of your essence-love and essence-expression so you’ll be able to continue evolving your journey when you go back home.
With presencing, connecting and playing, we can move from fear to here easily and unwind the mythologies that block the moment-to-moment joy of being in a unique body among other lively and emergent bodies dancing on the Big Body that fuels all our creative juiciness.
About the Advanced Courses
We can shift how we organize our days, our relationships and our world. It is possible to get our fuel from deep connection rather than conflict and drama, to generate solutions rather than recycling dead end structures and ways of thinking that we exhausted several centuries ago. You can join us in generating a world where people presence easily, connect deeply inside and with others, and enjoy the magic of play replacing work. Each of our advanced courses deepens the experience that Evolutionary Playground begins, so that you can live in a generative cycle that renews you while contributing to your world and the world we are regenerating.
November 1-3, 2019
–Tuition: $695 per person
–Early Bird Rate: $595 per individual on or before October 3, 2019.
–Seminar Prerequisites: Completion of Evolutionary Playground or….
Our product, Essentials Online, is available as an option for you to meet the prerequisite if you haven’t taken Evolutionary Playground or previously attended the Essentials 3-Day Seminar. Cost: Tuition + $97.00
-Cancellation Policy – 90% refund less $97 for Essentials Online (10% withheld as a cancelation fee).
-Transfer Policy – 10% transfer fee will be assessed and depending upon which future training you choose, the Early Bird discount may be forfeited, requiring additional monies to meet the full tuition amount for that training.
-If you have any questions, please contact our Enrollment Consultant, Nancy Stubbs, at 1-800-688-0772, Ext. 1 (Pacific Time); [email protected]
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Click here to enroll and purchase Essentials Online.