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Creating Connection

Sep. 27, 2019 - Sep. 29, 2019 | Online | $695


We need connection as much as food and water.

Try that on in your mind and body. You require connection, attention, being with, as much as other nutrients that you plan for and would die without.

Why connection? What’s the big deal about affiliating, belonging and feeling valued? Deep connection can replace addiction and the need for drama—really! Humans require bonding to develop and live fully, so if people don’t experience nourishing connection early in life, they take what they can get. These survival adaptations often crystallize painful patterns that spill over into adult life. This experiential seminar opens the gates to the tributaries that feed healthy connection and gives you resources to clear the boulders and other barriers to feeling whole and resourceful. We learn to welcome and include all of you in your life, work and relationships. We’ll be playing with the power of recognizing and shifting the context in which you’re operating. For example, the power context of our culture is currently being challenged by the #metoo and other movements. The felt experience of belonging, of resonating with others, melts old stories and fills our reservoirs to allow open contact and collaboration.

You may have heard the old saying about not being able to see the forest for the trees. A more contemporary image is not being able to download the newest cool apps onto your current operating system. Context is your operating system through which connection either thrives or withers. Context is more than “the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event.” Context is the often-invisible container in which we create our lives and make choices. We move through and adjust ourselves to a huge number of distinct contexts throughout the day, such as:

  • the frame we create with our posture and movement;
  • following the good guys vs. the bad guys;
  • adhering to the dress code (or rebelling against the dress code);
  • using or not using seating assignments in classrooms, offices and theaters;
  • standing in line (in the U.S., doesn’t happen in some other countries);
  • rooting for a team;
  • participating in Facebook, Snapchat, exercise apps, etc.

Content spells out all the rules, procedures, rituals, unspoken agreements and protocol that fill up the contextual container, the operating system. And your operating system got installed from the factory (e.g., parents/school/media/peer pressure), not by your preferences. So unless you bring your conscious awareness to contexts, they continue to exert huge influence over your perception and available choices to connect deeply.

Why does contextual intelligence matter? When you change the context you change the connection game—you can create new and powerful stories. Contextual moves have the most leverage, the highest impact for energy expended. For several centuries, one of the most popular ways to connect in our culture has the Drama Triangle, where people occupy either the Villain (blaming), Victim (complaining) or Hero (jumping in to rescue or fix without being asked) role. If you look anywhere in society you’ll see this context operating, and it’s based in and powered by fear. Buckminster Fuller pointed clearly to the deeper problem of our obsession with old stories:

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality [running around the Δ from victim to villain to hero]. To change something build a new model (changing the context) that make the existing model obsolete.”

In this action-­‐packed and experiential weekend, we’ll be exploring:

  • Using context expansion to create a fulfilling new story around which to organize your life to create genuine connection (rather than whose fault it is, being right, having control, feeling great then messing up, etc.)
  • Recognizing and being awake to the operating context (e.g.: sitting theater style, manners, who sits and who stands, the good guys and the bad guys)
  • Discerning content from context (e.g., arguing over the rules rather than changing the game)
  • Creating self-generated context shifts in a variety of settings (e.g., Conscious listening is a powerful context shift skill.)
  • Enjoying the link between context and creativity (“Creativity is not a talent. It’s a way of operating.” John Cleese)
  • Understanding the relationship between context shifts and evolutionary strategies (e.g., being able to direct your attention free of fear and to connect even in challenging circumstances)
  • Incorporating specific context skills and applying them to your biggest vision for your life and contribution

This workshop is designed for people who want to make the most powerful contributions in their families, communities, and the world. You’ll leave with powerful skills to continue expanding the contexts in which you play and to generate new connections of collaboration and co-creativity.

About the Advanced Courses

We can shift how we organize our days, our relationships and our world. It is possible to get our fuel from deep connection rather than conflict and drama, to generate solutions rather than recycling dead end structures and ways of thinking that we exhausted several centuries ago. You can join us in generating a world where people presence easily, connect deeply inside and with others, and enjoy the magic of play replacing work. Each of our advanced courses deepens the experience that Evolutionary Playground begins, so that you can live in a generative cycle that renews you while contributing to your world and the world we are regenerating.

September 27 – 29, 2019


    • Tuition: $695 per individual
    • Early Bird Rate: $595 per individual on or before August 29, 2019.
    • Seminar Prerequisites: Completion of Evolutionary Playground or…. 
    • Our product, Essentials Online, is available as an option for you to meet the prerequisite if you haven’t taken Evolutionary Playground or previously attended the Essentials 3-Day Seminar. Cost: Tuition + $97.00
    • Cancellation Policy – 90% refund less $97 for Essentials Online (10% withheld as a cancelation fee).
    • Transfer Policy – 10% transfer fee will be assessed and depending upon which future training you choose, the Early Bird discount may be forfeited, requiring additional monies to meet the full tuition amount for that training.
    • If you have any questions, please contact our Enrollment Consultant, Nancy Stubbs, at 1-800-688-0772, Ext. 1 (Pacific Time); [email protected]

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