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Reweaving the World 2.0

Sep. 01, 2022 - Sep. 01, 2022 | Online | $995


A year-long online class meeting on two Tuesdays each month from 9 – 10:30am Pacific

September 20, 2022 – September 12, 2023

**NOTE: This course can be experienced as a self-study course as all classes will be recorded.  Please read below for more information.

The Backstory

When Gay and I got together in 1980 and I moved from my familiar world in northern California to Colorado Springs, where I knew no one other than Gay, I remember spending a lot of the first year thinking, “everything I think I know about the world is wrong.” All the Newtonian structures of rules, expectations and social contexts crumbled in the presence of a new world view based on appreciation, response-ability and authenticity that I was discovering day by day by opening to learning from each interaction with Gay.

Are we collectively caught in another bramble of “everything we thought we knew is wrong” era?

Have you also found that some lifelong standards, collective experiences and shared reality have gotten a bad case of the wobbles in these last few years?

I’d prefer to NOT “go back to normal.” Normal won’t work anyway and will prevent the radical reweaving that is being called forth now. I want to live in a world that celebrates each of us weaving our genius, playing our instrument fully in the larger orchestra and practicing wholeness to create contexts of caring and connection.

Those early discoveries with Gay evolved into practices that became the 4 Pillars of Integrity (download a PDF) that is now alive in the Impeccable Integrity Card deck and accompanying videos. I realized some years ago that I had integrated these practices so much that I didn’t have to think about them with every action. They became a new endo-skeleton that allowed me to love with a spine. I could sense my inner experience of wholeness meeting the world fully with expanding presence and flow rather than hesitation and fear contractions.

The Outline

Integrity: An Unbroken Wholeness Or Totality With Nothing Wanting

What if you could build a new framework at the center of your life that generated:

  • Aligning rather than dividing
  • Fueling from creativity rather than adrenaline/fear
  • Collaborating from connection and resonance rather than power over
  • Navigating from your intuitive GPS
  • Initiating from curiosity and play rather than force and control
  • Experiencing yourself and others as evolving works of art

In Reweaving the World I intend to make the practice of integrity as choiceless as brushing your teeth every day and as pleasurable as enjoying your favorite dessert.

I’d like integrity to be so at the center that you don’t even have to think over these embodied options. They live in your cells and all your interactions and guide you toward more and more freedom and connection with life.

Reweaving the World 2.0: The Practice of Embodied Integrity and Resonant Collaboration

We’ll continue integrating and practicing the tools we introduced in our first year and enjoying the community we’ve generated together.  We’ll be adding additional focus on:

Harnessing Fear Juice to Make New Choices

In our initial Reweaving year we learned to blend Fear Melters® with choosing an integrity card in a daily practice. This year we’ll be exploring how to release the energy of fear to fuel our creative and connected lives.• The bullish intransigence of fight/fear can liberate the ability to challenge and to forge new alliances to disrupt ancient patterns.• The vanishing energy of flee/fear can morph into readiness, the active poise that top tennis players use as they seem able to pivot in any direction.• The deer-in-the-headlights hard stop of freeze/fear can convert to pausing and locating, a doorway to presence and new choice.• The overwhelm or drained sinking of faint/fear can transform into nourishing and connecting with your inner landscape and the outer world of new collaborators.

Dancing With States Of Consciousness

In Reweaving 2.0 we’ll be reviewing our exploration of what we call Mass (Newtonian), Energy (Einsteinian) and Space (Quantum) states of consciousness and manifestation that weave new possibilities with the four pillars of integrity.

Generating New Contexts

We’ll actively play with recognizing and shifting the frameworks that often remain invisible. Why does contextual intelligence matter? When you change the context you change the game. Contextual moves have the most leverage, the highest impact for energy expended. One of the most common interactional contexts in our culture is the Drama Triangle, where people occupy either the Villain (blaming), Victim (complaining) or Hero (jumping in to rescue or fix without being asked) role. If you look anywhere in society you’ll see this context operating, and it’s based in and powered by fear. Buckminster Fuller pointed clearly to the deeper problem of our obsession with content:“You never change things by fighting the existing reality [running around the ∆ from victim to villain to hero]. To change something build a new model (changing the context) that make the existing model obsolete.”I want to live in a world where presence, caring and connection generate the economy, support the emergence of genius and support living our lives as works of art.

The Practical Scoop:

  • One Year Program
  • Ways to use the Impeccable integrity deck to support your daily practice at home, in relationship and at work
  • Guest visitors and other surprises to share the further reaches of endogenous living
  • Private Online Circle on Mighty Networks for collaboration and connection
  • Calls will be recorded for your later review

* NOTE: You can experience this course as a self-study course. You will be included in the private discussion circle on Mighty Networks and have an opportunity to connect with other participants to practice if you choose to. All classes will be recorded.

$995 for the year


September 20, 2022
October 11, 2022
October 25, 2022
November 8, 2022
November 29, 2022
December 13, 2022
January 10, 2023
January 24, 2023
February 7, 2023
February 21, 2023
March 14, 2023
March 28, 2023
April 11, 2023
April 25, 2023
May 16, 2023
May 30, 2023
June 13, 2023
June 27, 2023
July 11, 2023
July 25, 2023
August 15, 2023
August 29, 2023
September 12, 2023

Reweaving The World: Through The Practice of Embodied Integrity and Resonant Collaboration

Dates: Two Tuesdays each month, September 20, 2022 through September 12, 2023

Duration: ONE YEAR

Time: 9:00-10:30 am Pacific Time

Facilitator: Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D., BC-DMT

Format: Live facilitated session via Zoom with private Mighty Networks group page for registered participants

TUITION (per person)

    • $995 
    • $595 for Hendricks Coaches, LATs, and people who have taken the class before, up until August 31, 2022, after which the cost will be $995 for all.  Contact our Enrollment Consultant Michele Yasuda for the coupon code if you are an LAT, Coach, or repeat enrollee: [email protected]or 800-688-0772 ext. 803. Feel free to reach out to Michele with any questions about this training, the logistics, and more information about our other trainings.

Click here to register
Click here for logistics


Within the container of this course and my commitment/recommitment to it, I’ve rewoven my own life force by attending daily to my body – both in my attention (renewed ongoing body awareness & Four Pillars of Integrity awareness), but also in my practices (new ones integrated now, such as daily long walks and intermittent fasting – not part of the course, but emerged for me personally as a result of the body and interpersonal practices that are in the course). I’ve not ever felt so strong and vital, nor had a sense of ease & welcoming with regard to daily action disciplines, as I do now.  I so appreciate this metaphor of weaving, as it’s what I most notice – each day on my nature walks – that the ecology/life all around me is constantly doing – weaving connections. It’s also what I most noticed with my fellow Reweavers, who brought aspects of themselves formerly rejected by a world context of domination, and wove new breath and life into what’s actually happening for them, moment by moment. I have cherished the tenderness of our shared company, and am excited to discover what new horizons of expansion become possible in this coming year of Reweaving the World. – Corrina Bloom

The surprise gift from attending this year long course is the opportunity to create friendships and connections with people who share foundational integrity skills. I have 4 deep friendships that grew out of this course. I feel cared for and supported. I have friends I can go to when I am upset or grieving. Not only go to them, but through our shared insight, learn things I would not normally have been able to see on my own. -Crystal Dawn Rios

One of my biggest take-aways from the course was learning how showing up as “the context” is a powerful tool for connection.  Fully present (belly breathing, tuning into my body sensations and the other’s, noticing body language, listening from a place of true curiosity, no filters) creates a safe space for all to explore and connect. It’s become a practice that truly delights and empowers me.  As a lover of tapestry, I can often feel “the threads” weaving in the air !  It has become a new art form for me to play with: what new thing will we create ? -Linda Wellenbach

The word integrity is used a lot. But what does it really mean? Our reweaving journey was an endeavour to explore exactly this- what does it mean to be in integrity- wholeness? In this year together I received innumerable gifts, from small trim tabs to big reframing tosses. Two that I have been exploring closely and I am still weaving constantly are: impeccable agreements and creating a context of integrity.

So, what does impeccable agreements mean? I discovered a deep aspiration to say yes to things that really give me joy and to honour and keep these agreements with other people. It included embracing my german- ness that I was judging a little for being extra exact with timings or things I say I do. I was able to unravel old contracts and agreements that I unconsciously made a long time ago, when I was a child and look at those to see, if this is really an agreement that is helping to expand love. This tiny little aspect of our whole year journey: having impeccable agreements had many effects on how I built my business, my friendships (for example articulating agreements and asking for consent and full- body yes agreements), my whole social life, how I show up as a human to even the more spiritual and subtle level- shining light on old soul contracts. So, you can go as deep, as crazy, as playful as you want, and you will know you have a loving and caring community exploring with you. And amazing guides that share their years and years of practice as well as their most recent- AHAs very much to the delight of all. I could really write a whole book on the big and tiny, tangible, and subtle effect this work has in my life. Thank you everyone, to the community, the co- travellers, the facilitators and Katie for the magical time. -Linda 

The Reweaving course supported me in evolving an ongoing process in collaboration with others, lovingly re-patterning responses to myriad events, interactions, and relationships of all kinds. It was an opportunity to fill mySelf up with authentic verve and radiate that out to all those around me. Big shifts happened within and without. All this in a most complex year full of unanticipated surprises of all kinds! –MH

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