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The Presencing Portal: Coming Home to Essence

Jun. 07, 2019 - Jun. 09, 2019 | Online | $695


Are you at home in your body? Can your mindful practices resolve conflict and create laughter?

Do you move and breathe easily and feel flexible and confident in your presence?

Do you know how to fill your inner reservoir on a daily basis?

Do you know how to jumpstart your collaborations with presencing?

If these questions intrigue you, this seminar can open doorways to enjoy the power of presencing, which is mindfulness in action, embodied mindfulness. Presencing brings the power of your awareness, attention and body intelligence out to the edges of your skin and out into the frontier of co-creativity and the magical space between us.

Humans require attention just as much as food or water, but we’re very stingy about actually giving and receiving appreciation, support, generous listening and other forms of positive attention. Most of us were weaned and schooled on the myth that criticism works, a myth that destroys relationships of all kinds. In contrast, the practice of presence grows our ability to let being and engagement create a field of deep connection where creativity expands lifelong. Presence can replace adrenaline addiction and free you from the fear trance and the repetitive victim-villain-hero drama that encapsulates many peoples’ lives. Presence allows you to drop the masks, get under the personas that limit your creative choice. Presence wakes up our ability to connect and play and to rewire our nervous systems to enjoy more and more positive energy in all areas of life.

We will dive deeply into consciousness technology that expands your actual ability to presence, THE primary skill for satisfying success in all areas of life. Plus, since we know now that we don’t learn anything new unless we’re having a good time, these activities and practices are friendly and, wait for it, fun. Presencing combines flexible and caring awareness of self that’s experienced in a responsive and fully-expressed body with appreciative and inclusive welcoming of others and their worlds.

Specifically, we’ll be using simple, powerful, reliable activities to explore:

  • Being able to collaborate, to share your uniqueness with ease and to enjoy your moment-to-moment experience of being alive
  • Shifting into curious discovery by choice, rather than operating from a critical, what’s wrong now use of your presence
  • Using presence freely and by choice so that you are able to shift and focus easily even in stressful circumstances
  • Sustaining presence in relationships, for example, presencing like a good dancer able to flow with big and subtle energy and juice as you work on a project or share different perspectives
  • Allowing a flow of presence and engagement between you and others so that you refresh your inner reservoir rather than slipping into depletion and eventual burnout
  • Generating solutions and creative expansion through presence—getting good at improvisation in the unknown
  • Being able to shift the lens of presence, for example, to take in the tone of a group and then shift attention to one person while being aware of the group context/field
  • Releasing what hooks your attention in a friendly way to support completions and new beginnings
  • Letting your presence touch your experience directly so that you are at home in your deepest body intelligence
  • Joining presence and energy flow by choice to be able to be with small and large experiences and expressions of energy/feeling in you and with others
  • Reading attention cues from others accurately, for example, seeing and sensing the emergence of emotions in another

Benefits of the practice of presence:

  • Great timing, that is, being in the right place at the right time
  • Brain flexibility and growth—i.e., getting smarter
  • Being able to create big external results with small, strategic shifts
  • Embodied relating that fosters deep connection
  • Renewable creativity and collaboration
  • Increased savoring of life each day

About the Advanced Courses

We can shift how we organize our days, our relationships and our world. It is possible to get our fuel from deep connection rather than conflict and drama, to generate solutions rather than recycling dead end structures and ways of thinking that we exhausted several centuries ago. You can join us in generating a world where people presence easily, connect deeply inside and with others, and enjoy the magic of play replacing work. Each of our advanced courses deepens the experience that Evolutionary Playground begins, presencing—connecting—playing, so that you can live in a generative cycle that renews you while contributing to your world and the world we are regenerating.

June 7 – 9, 2019


  • Tuition: $695 per person
  • Early Bird Rate: $595 per individual on or before May 8, 2019.
  • Seminar Prerequisites: Completion of Evolutionary Playground or…. 
  • Our product, Essentials Online, is available as an option for you to meet the prerequisite if you haven’t taken Evolutionary Playground or previously attended the Essentials 3-Day Seminar. Cost: Tuition + $97.00
  • Cancellation Policy – 90% refund less $97 for Essentials Online (10% withheld as a cancelation fee).
  • Transfer Policy – 10% transfer fee will be assessed and depending upon which future training you choose, the Early Bird discount may be forfeited, requiring additional monies to meet the full tuition amount for that training.
  • If you have any questions, please contact our Enrollment Consultant, Nancy Stubbs, at 1-800-688-0772, Ext. 1 (Pacific Time); [email protected]

Click here to register for The Presencing Portal
Click here to register for The Presencing Portal plus Essentials Online
Click here for logistics

What People Are Saying About The Presencing Portal

During the Presencing Portal we played with attention: how we receive it, give it to others, and give it to ourselves. I especially enjoyed the shifts from criticism and judgment to appreciation and curiosity. I struggle with self-love and had the ability to experience this in deeply satisfying ways during the weekend. – Krin Lillian Irvine

Last year, I attended The Presencing Portal, and it was one of the most powerful weekends of transformation in my four years of study with Gay and Katie.  It was also one of the most fun and playful weekends.  The energy in the room was palpable as each person was there with the intention of being present in that moment.  Throughout the weekend, we played with new and different ways to invite ourselves into the present in the moment.  It allowed me to gain a new range of options to create presence through Katie’s direction as well as learning from others in the room.  It was amazing!! – Danielle Bordenave

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