To Have a Great Time All the Time, Play with Your Personas

40th FCL 28


Everybody has personas, roles we still carry. We all learned to wear different roles just as we learned to wear different clothes and change expressions when certain people were around. You bring a whole circus of personas to your relationships. The problem is taking them seriously and thinking that your persona is the entirety of who YOU are. Your essence lies at the center of all these layers you’ve learned to wear to get along. If you want to move beyond fitting in, stop working on your personas and start playing with them and getting to know them. Every persona is held together by the way you hold your posture. So if you exaggerate your ‘tude, your gestures, your tone, you start to loosen the grip of personas and to accept and include more your facets. For instance, your perfectionist melts into the keen giving of attention, or your victim gets loved and starts to giggle. Every persona has a gift that can expand your evolution. When you make friends with your partner’s and your personas, you can have nonstop fun. Rather than defending when your partner accuses you of being picky, you can exaggerate your posture and gestures to bring it forward more. Persona play has no expiration date, so you can enjoy polishing your facets lifelong. Rigid or evolving—your choice.

Read the full series: Our Biggest Relationship Wows

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