Cultivating New Stories for Humanity Daily Planner and Exploration Journal

“This is a sensational production, SO useful to go with any course or any life, and seems perfect to give people a daily structure to support all the learning.”
— Katie Hendricks response to seeing the completed planner for the first time.

This Daily Planner and Exploration journal exists to support you creating new stories for humanity by creating new stories for yourself. It contains 12 themes based on and derived from the Cultivating New Stories for Humanity course (register here) and includes essential Hendricks practices and processes.

  • Available in 5 colors (Coral, Green, Marigold, Purple, and Teal) and 2 binding options (coil and paperback).
  • Currently available in the United States. Additional locations coming soon.
  • Shipping is included in the price of the planner.
  • Production and shipping times may vary but are expected to take roughy 11-14 days.

Product Details

The Gist

This Daily Planner and Exploration journal exists to support you creating new stories for humanity by creating new stories for yourself. It contains 12 themes based on and derived from the Cultivating New Stories for Humanity course (register here).

You can start using this planner and exploration journal at any time. The 12 themes each contain 30 days so they will not align precisely with calendar months, thereby giving you a new structure for yourself to attune to and resonate with: your personal dreams and goals, your personal growth efforts, and your own new stories.

Each of the 12 themes offers

  • A topic/focus to organize yourself in relationship to and explore over the course of 30 days
  • Accompanying supportive essential practices
  • Activities to complete each day, both in the morning and evening or at night

Daily Pages

Daily pages provide space for noting completions, explorations or answers, and insights from engaging in daily activities and practices. As a grounding and presencing practice you will be writing the date onto each daily page though you could choose to write all the dates out for the year ahead of time — it is up to you how you choose to do that.

On each daily page space exists for you to add two morning and evening personal practices so that you can integrate what you already do with what is suggested.

The designers recommend practicing getting pithy with what you write in the planner and exploration journal, unlike what is being done here to provide you plenty of information about what you are purchasing. Getting pithy in a friendly way can support you getting out of your head —and out of old stories— through the art of simplifying, essentializing, and expressing the gist of what you notice and what wants to come through you. Being precise and economical with your communications can improve your relationships.

You will do it “wrong” sometimes — all of it — and that’s part of the practice. Just remember to recommit, to go “back to one” and you will keep growing your new stories such that they outgrow the old. And then what happens? Hmmm…I wonder (and want to discover)…

Some Technical Details

  • Available as a paperback or coil-bound
  • 12 Themes derived from the Cultivating New Stories for Humanity course
  • 452 pages:
    • Introductory materials plus descriptions and how-to’s for the practices and processes used throughout the planner
    • 12 Theme Introduction Pages and 360 Daily Pages (12 themes, 30 daily pages per theme)
    • 52 Weekly Transition Pages support your completing what is incomplete for you
    • 6 End of Year Daily Pages (6 in case you are using it during a Leap Year)
    • 1 Old Year – New Year Transition Page with space for you new year action steps and by-when’s
  • The back cover contains information about Committing and Recommitting to support you remembering that the process of personal growth, creating change, developing new habits, and generating new experiences which align with your personal dreams and goals is not usually a direct path, but one that has detours. Back to one.

Planner Delivery

  • Shipping is included in the price of the planner.
  • Production and shipping times may vary but are expected to commonly be 11-14 days.