Handout – The Microscopic Truth

Click HERE to download the .pdf handout: Learning to Speak the Microscopic Truth  


The Four Pillars of Integrity Video Series

We have been exploring what we call operational integrity for several decades. The skills in these videos are all processes, actions that you can take as opposed to an idea you can discuss or debate. The Four Pillars, when practiced, create a flexible and dynamic inner structure that streamlines choices and empowers creativity. The areas…


Seven Principles and Seven Magic Moves Take You to Conscious Loving and Super-Conscious Loving

FIRST MAGIC MOVE: Make a heartfelt commitment to the other person that you’re willing to go beyond all your ego-defenses to full unity. At the same time, make a commitment to going all the way with your creative expression. Then observe the emergence of your defensive barriers every day. Report them honestly, but don’t take…


The Four Pillars of Integrity Video Series

We have been exploring what we call operational integrity for several decades. The skills in these videos are all processes, actions that you can take as opposed to an idea you can discuss or debate. The Four Pillars, when practiced, create a flexible and dynamic inner structure that streamlines choices and empowers creativity. The areas…